Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday lunch box

Still learning hard about character bento making. After a few times making kid bento it shorten the preparation time but i still dont get the catch of bento making. What do you do with all the small pieces left over after all the shape cutting? do you put in food that he didnt like or wont even eat just to make up the character nice bento? there are so many questions in trying to become creative. I dont want to waste food and i dont want left over in the bento. The hardest part is everytime i ask Yuta what do you like in the lunch box, he will say exactly the same thing, onigiri, tamago yaki, pasta, fruits and put it in the race car lunch box. So i actually have to play around with only this 4 item. This is a little exception that i put in sausages. Learning in process...

gentle heart

I borrowed a documentary dvd about bugs from the library and Yuta likes it. There were a scene where a mantis ate up a butterfly. He shouted for me everytime that scene came out. "mommy, look the mantis just ate the butterfly"!. The third time he shouted for me again and insisted i sit next beside him. "look he is going to eat up the butterfly". silence.. and we waited for that scene. "he just ate the butterfly, can you see that"! Me : OH NO!! poor butterfly.

when i realised how silence it became for a while, i turned to him and he was crying. I asked "are you scared"? "No,i dont want the mantis to eat the butterfly". Gave him a big hug and he never asked to watch that dvd again.


I like to do work that both of them can do together. Put some ice cold water, some ice cube and some small figurines and they have all the fun. We all love penguins and have been reading alot about penguin. We talked about where penguins live, different type of penguin, their food etc. Later Yuta decided to pull out some fish from the fishing toy set and creating his own story about penguins and fish.

Im slowing down on math with Yuta for now. We are still working on teen numbers. For some reasons he is not so fond of me using the teen bead set. I used 2 dice to work with him. 1 dice with number 10 on all side and number 1-6 on each side for the other dice. He roll the dice and match up with number cards.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


The husband requested to have oden (braised various kind of fish cakes, hard boiled egg in soup stock) or i call it japanese version of yong tau foo. I had Yuta to peel the egg shell and wondered what i can do with those egg shell. So, i the crushed egg shell in food coloring and make a card. I guess is time to start making thank you cards for friends for our moving now. I guess it will be much easier if you dye the egg first before crushing them.

Who will be luck enough to get this thank you card

The we talked about eggs and animal that hatch from eggs. so we make our nest with plastercine, went collect some pine needle, eggs on it and all set. Yuta then make some chicks, put them in the shell and waiting for them to hatch. While we enjoy making and pretend Ai were more interested in those "Chick-ling"and shouted "quak, quak". Also make some snakes to go in those eggs.

they hatched. They are "chick-ling"

He wants to cover with them with those eggs because it was chilly that morning.

With the left over food coloring, we did colours mixing again. I didnt have red but pink, works well. By placing yellow infront of the blue filled glass, we can see the reflection of green. Sorry for the blury picture but result was good.

The result