Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This is how much we can do in a day

This is how much we can do on a day when yuta doesnt go to school. Started out with the shaving cream colouring. Yuta doesnt like getting his hands on the cream and prefer to just use brush. I like this activity because they can do it together but really have to supervise and watch Ai because they look so colourful and yummy she tried a few times to feed herself with the shaving cream. This work lasted for about 45minutes overall. After that Yuta wants to watch some tv, so it was tv time and i went fix the lunch. In between they will just bring out some random toys and play together. After lunch, went bike ride at the driveway and a little bit of digging and bubble at the backyard.Planted some cucumber seeds. Thats how the cucumbers look like for him. He asked about what happened to our tomato and cucumber. We had our tomato and cucumber last summer and when started to get some tiny fruits of tomato and cucumber on the plant , we made a trip back home and we came back they were all dead from the cold weather. We always have no luck with plants and it was rather hard to plant here in Houston (at least for me).When tulip started coming out, they didnt make it to bloom because i will too hot already here.

After the outdoor energy buster, it was time to nap. Before dinner is fixed Yuta requested to do some work, so i let him do the skeleton puzzle printed out from here. There is a small picture of the skeleton for him to refer to. He has difficulties putting up the left and right hands, might need put some indicator on them. After he finished then asked him to feel bones on his body and explain briefly about bones. can you feel skull?etc. I have a floor puzzle of human body and he likes it so much. glad that i got that puzzle for 0.50 from a garage sale.

One of his favourite book.

Then we called off the day and dinner is served. Im not sure if it was enough for a day lesson for a 4 year old but it was definitely enough for me.


I didnt do any activity for Easter with him eventhough i bought some cookie cutter and planned some activities. Just too lazy. We went to Easter egg hunt and party at Yuta's school.

Eggs that teachers help dye.

Egg Hunt. Always cant take good picture with the Ai clinging to me.

Snack together

Practical life setting in the classroom

Happy Four

Yuta turns 4 today. We had his first birthday party earlier. He was counting down for his birthday party. At almost 4 he understands that everyone birthday comes only once a year so he appreciates what we did for him. With all the gifts and friends over to celebrate he was a bit overwhelm and was uneasy and seen wondering around the house for more gift for the next 2 days. Im definitely not a good party planner that i forgot to put candles on his cake, i forgot dressing on salad and i forgot to hand out goody bags for kids. When everyone gathered for cake time he shouted out "stop,stop, i need quiet time". This was the cake i made for him. i wanted to just buy one worrying that the cake wont turn out well, but my husband insisted that i should make one like how i do for everyones birthday in the family. As a beginner baker, i have to feel proud with this cake and it was delicious i have to say.3 days after the party when he was preparing to go to school, he suddenly told me, "mommy, i dont like jelly cake, please give me cream cake next time".

A week after the party came this package from baachan (grandma). It was filled with beautiful stationaries, a box of 36 colours colour pencil with a steel case, a double deck pencil case, sharpener and a 3d birthday card. My mother inlaw called and asked what toys does he like, and i said he doesnt need anymore toys and requested a box of this colour pencil. I like japanese stationary and the japanese oil pastel. The biggest hit was the double deck pencil case with a push button pop up sharperner. They remind me of what i used to have in my primary school years. Thanks baachan, feeling lucky to have a loving and friendly mom in law.

Its Official

It is Official. We got the official notice from the company that we are moving back to Japan in July. Busy days ahead. We have been moving every year in this 5 years, kind of like getting used to it. We have been talking to Yuta about our moving and he seems accepting it well. Infact he is asking about why we are not going back to baachan's house yet. Looking forward to seeing old friends again but at the same time a little anxious about the move.

Friday, April 22, 2011

A good start

I have been showing Ai where and how to dispose her soil diaper. Then i reposition the trash can to make space for the kids shoes area, she got confused for a while, she cant find the trash can anymore. Then i showed her the new place where the dispose them. Yesterday after i changed her i left the diaper on the floor quickly to the room to get some diaper, and went i returned i saw her standing infront of the trash and i thought gosh she must have throw in something in there but when i looked it was her soiled diaper and i compliment her. She was proud of herself with a big smile and when i say good job, she put something that she could find around and tossed them in. She has got access to the dish cleaner, i always leave them opened, so she is tossing anything from spoon to laddle to the trash and giggle. She is happy to find her new independent.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Big and Small

I used this set of nut for his size discrimination work and later he decided that he wants to build a tower with them. It was hard to work to build a tower because they slip. Is going to find those better set of bolt and nut. He likes this work, maybe is a boy thing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I have a gift for you

I read this at Montessori for Everyone and i tried it with Yuta. It works wonder. Though i have made quite a bit of montessori material and activities kit by myself since i started the classroom but this is the first time im using the phrase "i have a gift for you". I handed him a sand box in a gift box and told him i have a gift for you and he was excited and thrilled. "For me? mommy you made it for me? thanks mommy.It was a bit of emotion there.

Writting alpabet hwhile read out phonic sound with sand box. Sorry i didnt rotate the picture

After a while he decided to make some pattern with the shape sorter
I put the sand in a bigger tray and let him work on it at breakfast table with his mighty machine while i set my dinner. He has been working with them for the last 4 days and still like them.

Spooning and Squeezing

At about 15th month Ai is able to feed herself quite well, so i thought i will try her with some spooning work. She did well with a few bean spilt. She would be able to do this for about 2minute which i think is good for her age.

She wants to whatever Yuta does. She wants so badly to work with the pitcher where she sees her big brother pouring water she think is fun. I found this sponge ball and it was just perfect. She squeese the sponge soaked up with water in the bucket, sometimes attempt to pour from the bucket to the blue basin. it was a bit messy but all worth it with the concentration she had.

Muffin tin meal

I saw this here. i have been reading this blog for a while and decided i want to try with this muffin tin fun idea. so there are 2 rice ball ninja, corn kennel with mayo, crouton with cheese, bacon and asparagus wrap and apple slice. Yuta didnt quite like it, he didnt finish the rice ball. he said he would prefer his normal bento. how sad, well cant blame him i know those 2 fellow didnt actually look Ninja.