For a mom and wife that hasnt had a real vacation in over 3 years, this was heaven. What is better than no cleaning and cooking for 5 days. We can easily get all inclusive vacation package back home in Malaysia or neighbouring country but it is hard to get in houston (or maybe i havent find one). Holiday means, you need to pack your bbq pit, pack your food, bring your kayak, prepare for 2 nights stay seems like preparing for 2 weeks stay.
We just take it slow and easy, just playing sand castle in the beach and lying there from morning to late afternoon. I always stay with Ai and Yuta were always with daddy.Yuta is growing up into is boyhood i can see. He is more attach to daddy now. It was justbeautiful to see that they have a very strong bonding.
Waking up to a beautiful sun rise. Even daddy needs a break. Phew!
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