Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I have a gift for you

I read this at Montessori for Everyone and i tried it with Yuta. It works wonder. Though i have made quite a bit of montessori material and activities kit by myself since i started the classroom but this is the first time im using the phrase "i have a gift for you". I handed him a sand box in a gift box and told him i have a gift for you and he was excited and thrilled. "For me? mommy you made it for me? thanks mommy.It was a bit of emotion there.

Writting alpabet hwhile read out phonic sound with sand box. Sorry i didnt rotate the picture

After a while he decided to make some pattern with the shape sorter
I put the sand in a bigger tray and let him work on it at breakfast table with his mighty machine while i set my dinner. He has been working with them for the last 4 days and still like them.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you were able to use that line with him. Thanks for the mention!
