This is how much we can do on a day when yuta doesnt go to school. Started out with the shaving cream colouring. Yuta doesnt like getting his hands on the cream and prefer to just use brush. I like this activity because they can do it together but really have to supervise and watch Ai because they look so colourful and yummy she tried a few times to feed herself with the shaving cream. This work lasted for about 45minutes overall. After that Yuta wants to watch some tv, so it was tv time and i went fix the lunch. In between they will just bring out some random toys and play together. After lunch, went bike ride at the driveway and a little bit of digging and bubble at the backyard.
Planted some cucumber seeds. Thats how the cucumbers look like for him. He asked about what happened to our tomato and cucumber. We had our tomato and cucumber last summer and when started to get some tiny fruits of tomato and cucumber on the plant , we made a trip back home and we came back they were all dead from the cold weather. We always have no luck with plants and it was rather hard to plant here in Houston (at least for me).When tulip started coming out, they didnt make it to bloom because i will too hot already here.
After the outdoor energy buster, it was time to nap. Before dinner is fixed Yuta requested to do some work, so i let him do the skeleton puzzle printed out from here. There is a small picture of the skeleton for him to refer to. He has difficulties putting up the left and right hands, might need put some indicator on them. After he finished then asked him to feel bones on his body and explain briefly about bones. can you feel skull?etc. I have a floor puzzle of human body and he likes it so much. glad that i got that puzzle for 0.50 from a garage sale.
Then we called off the day and dinner is served. Im not sure if it was enough for a day lesson for a 4 year old but it was definitely enough for me.
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